
Should I use Vaadin Framework

I just tried to play with Vaadin Framework and it seems to me very easy to use. Plus what I like about his framework is that it is built on top of GWT. What do you think, should I continue using this framework or it's better to stick with GWT. ...

Vaadin and Spring MVC Integration

I'm thinking about the possibility of using Spring MVC with Vaadin Framework. Are there any documented ways of making them play nicely together ? Also is it a good idea to use them together ? relating to performance; I'm going to run the app on a dedicated server. To make my question a bit more clear, how can i return a modelandview fr...

How to include an Iframe within a Vaadin App?

I would like to include an Iframe within my Vaadin App, how do I proceed implementing this? My initial idea was to wrap the GWT Frame widget, using the approach as described in the Book of Vaadin. Is this at all possible, or is there a better way? ...

Servlet Exception + Class Cast Exception + Glassfish + Netbeans + JPA Entities + Vaadin

Hi all, I get this error: StandardWrapperValve[Vaadin Servlet]: PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet Vaadin Servlet threw exception java.lang.ClassCastException: com.delhi.entities.Category cannot be cast to com.delhi.entities.Category when I try to run my webapps on glassfish v2. Category is a JPA entity object the offending code...

Using Vaadin widgets in a GWT application

Is it possible to use widgets from the Vaadin-framework from within a GWT application? I know it works the other way round, which is also documented in the Vaadin docs. But I didn't find a descrption for integrating Vaadin widgets in an ordinary GWT application. ...

How to change the tabbar color in vaadin?

Hi want to change the tab color when the tab get focus in vaadin?can any one help me how to customize tabsheet to achive this.. ...

Using Clojure with Vaadin

Hi, Has anyone tried implementing a web application with Clojure ( using Compojure ) and Vaadin ? I had seen an article on using Clojure with JWT for creating web apps. Vaadin is based on GWT so you get a lot of the advantages of GWT ( though Vaadin is completely Server-centric). And Clojure gives the advantage that you can use any Java...

Client Browser detection in Vaadin

I want to set different themes to my Vaadin application, depending on the user agent. In particular I want to distinguish at least between mobile devices (iPhone, Android,...) and desktop web browser. Vaadin's API reveals two interesting classes: BrowserInfo WebBrowser BrowserInfo seems to do the job perfectly for my needs, but fail...

compilation error in eclipse IDE for a java program.

i have following code for which eclipse giving following compilation error Multiple markers at this line - The hierarchy of the type TutorialsApplication is inconsistent - The type com.vaadin.terminal.Terminal$ErrorListener cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files - The type com.vaadin.terminal.URIHan...

Is it possible to integrate Vaadin with Rails??? If so, how???

As i see Vaadin is a Java based UI framework. But it has some really nice set of widgets and a very good layout engine. Is it possible to integrate Rails and Vaadin? JSON perhaps?? ...

Vaadin and DataModel. How can i get the value stored by a Property DataModel implementation used by a Label Field ??? Vaadin

Hi, It is just a simple TEST application import; public class IndexApplication extends Application { public void init() { setMainWindow(getStartUpWindow()); } private Window getStartUpWindow() { Window mainWindow = new Window(); mainWindow.addComponent( ...

GWT Graphics - resetting the text

Hi, I am working on a project for which i am using GWT-Graphics. I have drawing Area containing ellipse and text. When i double click on them a pop-up menu appears and gives an option to enter text. Now when i save this text i want it to appear on this drawing area in the place of the previous text. I am trying to do this but with no l...

How to add Tabs dynamically in vaadin?

Hi, I want to know how to add tab dynamically in vaadin tabsheet. I am having TabSheet which consists of two tabs. First tab has one button.If we click that button then another tab should add dynamically in the tabsheet.Can anyone tell me how to achieve this. ...

Vaadin vs Apache Click which one to choose for my webapp development

Vaadin and Apache Click seem to be equally good, which one should I choose for developing my web application. Or rather, what are the Pros and Cons of each framework. ...

How to set a font size for particular column in Vaadin Table?

hi, I have created Table using vaadin.Now i want to set font size for particular column content in that table.Is it possible to set font size for particular column in that table?. If so please give me idea to set the font size.If u can provide me some code snippet. ...

Using Vaadin (Java) UI Framework inside Python

What would be the best way to use Vaadin within Python/Django applications? I will be more than satisfied with having access to components/widgets, if the whole UI framework cannot be exposed to me directly. I am aware of Jython, but I am still not sure if it's the way to go about Vaadin in a Python web application. Any positive input/s...

How to open sub window from another subwindow in Vaadin?

Possible Duplicate: How to open new subwindow from another subwindow in vaadin? Hi, I want to open one subwindow from another subwindow.That is, i m having one popup subwindow in that window i placed one button.If we click that button another popup subwindow should open. When i am trying this i m getting error that "java.lang...

How to open new subwindow from another subwindow in vaadin?

Hi, I want to open one subwindow from another subwindow.That is, i m having one popup subwindow in that window i placed one button.If we click that button another popup subwindow should open. When i am trying this i m getting error that "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You can only add windows inside application-level windows." Can ...

Is gwt-graphics 0.9.3 compatible with gwt 2.0.3

Hi, I am using gwt graphics(vaadin) for one of my project, till yesterday i had gwt1.7.1 and all the drawing objects were working fine. For some reason i had to install eclipse again and so now i have gwt 2.0.3. I am observing few problems with graphics now, like the text is not getting positioned properly, if i do any changes to the co...

Vaadin table hide columns and container customization

Hello I am testing a project, using Vaadin and Hibernate. I am trying to use the HbnContainer class to show data into table. The problem is that I do not want to show all the properties of the two classes in the table. For example: @Entity @Table(name="users") class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private Long...