Our Team is automating tests/test data preparation in QTP and we do the scripting in VBScript.
In several tests the tester who runs the script need to supply an MS-Excel file with the indata. We use UserAccounts.CommonDialog
for this and it works great. Except for one litle problem, when we run this from QTP the file dialog does not get focus. It's opened in the background and it's easy for the tester that runs the script to miss it and waste time waiting for the dialog.
How do we give the file dialog focus?
Code Example:
Set ObjFSO = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
ObjFSO.Filter = "MS-Excel Spreadsheets|*.xls|All Files|*.*"
while ObjFSO.ShowOpen = false
msgbox "Script Error: Please select a file!"
msgbox "You selected the file: " & ObjFSO.FileName