



Anytime I have to handle dates/times in java it makes me sad

I'm trying to parse a string and turn it into a date object to insert in a preparepared statement. I've been trying to get this working but am having no luck. I also get the helpful error message when I go to compile the class.

"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: The method setDate(int, Date) in the type PreparedStatement is not applicable for the arguments (int, Date)"


Here is the offending code. for(int i = 0; i < flights.size(); i++){

         String[] details = flight[i].toString().split(":"); 
         DateFormat formatter ; 
         formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMyyyy");
         Date date = formatter.parse(details[1]); 

                PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertsql);
         pstmt.setString(1, details[0]);
         pstmt.setDate(2, date);
         pstmt.setString(3, details[2] + "00");
         pstmt.setString(4, details[3]);
         pstmt.setString(5, details[4]);
         pstmt.setString(6, details[5]);
         pstmt.setString(7, details[6]);
         pstmt.setString(8, details[7]);
         pstmt.setString(9, details[8]);

+3  A: 

My guess is that you mixed java.util.Date and java.sql.Date ...

+6  A: 

PreparedStatement.setDate takes a java.sql.Date, not a java.util.Date.

(Out of interest, how come you're not actually seeing this as a compile-time error? Your life will become a lot easier if you can resolve compilation failures without having to get to that point in a test run...)

Jon Skeet

String to MySQL Date/Time

import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;

 statement.setDate(4, Date.valueOf("2009-08-26"));
 statement.setTime(5, Time.valueOf("12:04:08"));