



Hi guys, The question is can I have two instances of MPMoviePlayerController simultaneously in one UIViewController?

I'm trying to create a smooth transition between two movies in iPad app, but when I create the second MPMoviePlayerController the playback of first one is stopped and can't be resumed. I didn't found any restriction for having multiple MPMoviePlayerControllers in Apple documentation.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Any other ideas about smooth transition between movies will be also appreciated.

+1  A: 

There is a restriction in the SDK doc.

Note: Although you may create multiple MPMoviePlayerController objects and present their views in your interface, only one controller at a time may play its movie. Blockquote

Check here:

It's in the Overview section.

Thanks JAG, the interest thing is that the first player stops just after creation of second one, before start playing anything on the second. Anyway I realized that it is not good idea to use two players for making smooth transition between movies. Anyone to have idea how to do it in other way?