I have trouble with the jvm.dll when after the returning from the function below I get the error message _HEAP[test_heap.exe]: Invalid Address specified to RtlValidateHeap_
At the moment I dynamically load the JNI_CreateJavaVM method only, everything goes well until I go past the final return statement of the function test_heap
int test_heap(wchar_t* javalib, char* classPath)
JNIEnv *env;
JavaVM *jvm;
JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
JavaVMOption options[3];
options[0].optionString = classPath;
options[1].optionString = "-verbose:jni";
vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
vm_args.nOptions = 2;
vm_args.options = options; //NULL;
vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE;
/* Create the Java VM */
HMODULE hJvm = LoadLibrary(javalib);
if (!hJvm)
return -1;
CreateJavaVM_t *pfnCreateJavaVM = (CreateJavaVM_t *)GetProcAddress(hJvm, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
if(pfnCreateJavaVM == NULL)
return -2;
int rc = pfnCreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args);
if(rc != 0)
return -3;
return 0;