Is there something like ISNULL() OR COALESCE() but not that checks for null value but for an empty value.
for example:
SELECT cu.last_name, cu.first_name,, FROM
(SELECT DISTINCT c.first_name, c.last_name,, c.household_id, h.head_of_household_id
FROM rd_customers c
JOIN rd_households h ON c.household_id = h.household_id
JOIN ad_registrations r ON r.customer_id = c.customer_id
JOIN ad_meeting_times a ON r.session_id = a.session_id and a.meeting_time_id = 203731) cu
LEFT JOIN rd_customers hu ON hu.customer_id = cu.head_of_household_id
instead of returning four columns I'd like to get three and the third one suppose to have values either of or if the first one is EMPTY! ISNULL and COALESCE don't work here i dunno why