



I have a navigation controller which I don't want to use up the whole screen. In particular, I want to put a logo image in a bar at the top of the screen. Unfortunately, the navigation controller doesn't seem to be designed this way. In interface builder, I can't make it take up part of a screen. How would you achieve the effect of a logo image up the top and a navigation controller taking up the rest of the screen?

+2  A: 

I haven't done this myself, but it should be pretty straight-forward. You'll need a wrapper view controller to be its parent (let's call it MyWrapperViewController), and its view hierarchy might ultimately look something like this:

UIView -+ (hooked up to the view outlet in MyWrapperViewController)
        +-- UIView (Your logo goes here)
        +-- UIView (The "child" navigation controller's view)

The logo view can be a UIView, or a UIImageView, or whatever class is appropriate for the content.

When you create a UINavigationController somewhere for your MyWrapperViewController class, you can resize its view bounds to something smaller than full-screen (perhaps the size of the screen minus the size of your logo, with an appropriate origin offset so it's below the logo), and then add it as a subview.

Shaggy Frog
This mostly worked, but I ran into an issue with the top UIView [overlapping the status bar](