I'm reading Programming Erlang by Joe Armstrong(Pragmatic Bookshelf). In name_server.erl source code on Chapter 16, Where's Dict variable from? Calling dict:new() generates Dict automatically? And, reference says that dict:new() creates dictionary. Don't I need to store it as a variable like Dict = dict:new()?
-export([init/0, add/2, whereis/1, handle/2]).
-import(server1, [rpc/2]).
add(Name, Place) ->
rpc(name_server, {add, Name, Place}).
whereis(Name) ->
rpc(name_server, {whereis, Name}).
init() ->
handle({add, Name, Place}, Dict) ->
{ok, dict:store(Name, Place, Dict)};
handle({whereis, Name}, Dict) ->
{dict:find(Name, Dict), Dict}.