It can be done with Cookies but most PHP sites use Sessions.
See for detailed information:
The steps involved:
1.) Create a sign-in page that checks for valid username and password then save a key value to a session variable that references the user table.
signin.php (sudo-code)
if(username is correct && password is correct)
$_SESSION['userkey'] = GUID from database
2.) Create a PHP page that has the session variable and checks if the variable is set.
signincheck.php (sudo-code)
$is_signed_in = false;
if (isset($_SESSION['userkey']))
if(isvalid userkey)
$is_signed_in = true;
3.) Require that page in each of your pages that needs to be for registered only.
if($is_signed_in === true)
allow access to page
header redirect to some other page