




In JDBC I can use question marks for query parameters, like this:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = ?"

and then

ps.setString(1, "vasya");

But how can I query for list of logins:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE login IN ?"

suppose, I have

List<String> logins = ...

What should I type there:

ps.setWhat(1, what);

I could rewrite query as:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = ? OR login = ? OR login = ?"

and then call setString in loop, but I'd like to know if it is possible to pass a set of elements as single param in query.

Maybe there are vendor-specific extensions?

+3  A: 

Look here for an overview of available options. As far as I can tell you, everyone is dynamically generating the necessary number of placeholder characters (with some optimizations).

There's a setArray method in PreparedStatement, but sometimes using it is not feasible. You might give it a try though.

If Spring's JDBCTemplate is an option, you could use automatic collection expansion as described here.

There is no reason that you cannot use Spring for this, and you should, as you get a real exception hierarchy for free.
Jon Freedman

String query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = ?";    

List<Login> list = new ArrayList<Login>();      
Login login = null;

for(String param : conditions){


    rSet = pStmt.executeQuery();    


                login = new Login();


return list;


conditions will be the list of item on basis of which you want to retrieve fields.

Nayan Wadekar
It is not what I asked.
Edited my answer, might help you.
Nayan Wadekar
That's simply sending queries in a loop. It should be very inefficient compared to using a generated query (if the collection is reasonably large).
+3  A: 

There are vendor specific ways to do that, therefore it would be good to know what database you use. I know solutions for PostgreSQL and H2. I implemented this feature in the H2 database, so that's what I know best:

H2 Database

PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement(
  "SELECT * FROM users WHERE login IN (?)");
prep.setObject(1, new Object[] { "1", "2" });
ResultSet rs = prep.executeQuery();


WHERE login = ANY(?)

Then set the parameter to an array of values using PreparedStatement.setArray(..) (not setObject as for H2).

Thomas Mueller