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Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s)

Hi guys, I wasn't sure where to ask this but since this is an algorithmic question here it goes. I've come face to face with a math problem and can't seem to get over it for the last couple of days. It goes like this:

You are given an adding machine that sums a set of N+1 digits consisting of positive integers 1 to N as it's given the numbers (e.g. the machine is given 3 as the first number and outputs 3. It's then given 6 as the second number and outputs 9. It's given 11 as the third number and outputs 20. Etcetera until it has processed N+1 numbers). One (and only one) of the digits is repeated. How do you determine which number is repeated?

It seems like a trick question and I'd be really annoyed if it is just that a question to which the answer is 'not possible' - any ideas here?

+4  A: 

Subtract (1+2+..+N) = N*(N+1)/2 from the sum.

EDIT: in case N is not known, find the largest triangular number smaller than the given sum and subtract.

doesn't seem to work... N refers to the number of numebrs and not a value on its own.
no wait I don't get it lets assume teh numbers were added as 3, 6, 11, 6 - so now N is 4. How can I tell given that I enter 6 and only have the sum of the values?
@Ali: from your description: " a set of N+1 digits consisting of positive integers 1 to N". But 6 and 11 are outside 1..4.
uh how so I mean I got this question on a job interview and have reproduced it in its entirety. I'm a bit perplexed as to what N+1 refers to it seems boyond my realm of mathematics or I'm forgetting my numerical methods classes here...
This is how I read the question: summed numbers: [1,2,3,3,4], N = 4; sum = 13, 13-4*5/2 = 13-10 = 3
@Ali: There are N numbers from 1 to N; N of the numbers it sums are unique; therefore by the pigeonhole principle it sums all the numbers from 1 to N. Plus an additional number which is repeated. Given N (and it seems we are), this question isn't really a trick.
ah - I got it - was reading the question wrong it seems..
+1  A: 

If you know N and the sum S, the answer is d = S - N*(N+1)/2. This is because the sum of all numbers from 1 to N is a triangular number, and each number from 1 to N occurs once (except for one that is repeated).

If you do not know N, you can take N = floor((sqrt(8*S+1)-1)/2. That can be deduced from a quadratic equation (n^2 + n)/2 = a.

I tried this with the following numbers [3, 6, 10] = 19, adding 6 to this sum give me 25 so 4*(4+1) = 20, 20/2 = 10 but 25 - 10 gives me 15...I want to tell if a number is repeated and which one is? WHich branch of mathematics is this?
These do not conform to your problem description. These numbers do not belong to 1..3. More than that, 4 is not N, but N+1. As for branch, it is elementary combinatorics.
And if you take arbitrary numbers in this problem, it becomes basically unsolvable unless you know the sum of all distinct numbers in advance.
OK Im lost here - basically I have the SUM and the number of numbers - but need to know what numnber was duplicated
But your problem description states that all those numbers belong to `1..N`, where `N+1` is a number of numbers! That is, there are all numbers from 1 to N and one duplicate, also between 1 and N. See an example: N = 5, numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,3. The duplicate is 3. The sum of all numbers is 18. N is 5, we have N+1 = 6 numbers here. So d is = 18 - 5*6/2 = 3, as expected.
+1  A: 

Ok, you have:

X = 1 + 2 + ... + N + p,  where 1<=p<=N


X = N(N+1)/2 + p, 1<=p<=N


S(N) = N(N+1)/2

And you know that

S(N) < X < S(N+1), because 1<=p<=N

You can find N, by finding the S(N) such that S(N)X.

If you have found S(N), subtract it from X and you find the duplicate number.
