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Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s)
Hi guys, I wasn't sure where to ask this but since this is an algorithmic question here it goes. I've come face to face with a math problem and can't seem to get over it for the last couple of days. It goes like this:
You are given an adding machine that sums a set of N+1 digits consisting of positive integers 1 to N as it's given the numbers (e.g. the machine is given 3 as the first number and outputs 3. It's then given 6 as the second number and outputs 9. It's given 11 as the third number and outputs 20. Etcetera until it has processed N+1 numbers). One (and only one) of the digits is repeated. How do you determine which number is repeated?
It seems like a trick question and I'd be really annoyed if it is just that a question to which the answer is 'not possible' - any ideas here?