I'm trying to open a file in it's default editor after the user has created the file. So far my script is:
@echo off
@echo --- Create A New File ---
@echo -
@echo Where should we put the new file?
set /p fileLocation=@ %UserProfile%\
@echo -
@echo What do you want to call your new file?
set /p fileName=@
@echo -
@echo Almost Done! What is the files extension?
set /p extension=@ .
@echo -
copy NUL "%UserProfile%\%fileLocation%\%fileName%.%extension%"
(ignore the extra echos and '@' those are just for fun)
After I click the file, it does the command: Choose Location > Choose File Name > Choose File extension
. I'm almost done on what I want but theres one last thing. How can I get the file name that I created and then open in its default text-editor?