



Currently I have:

$content =  ($propXml->xpath('//content/section[@name="accommodations"]/content'));
$content = is_array($content) && (count($content)>0)?(string)$content[0]:false;
echo $content;

Is there a more succinct way of doing this? It would be shorter if PHP had the ability to automatically access an assigned array, but I have to reassign and check for the length...


There are many ways to make that shorter but it all depends on what you're doing in your script. I'm not shocked by that operation taking 3 lines of code but anyway, here are a few ideas that can make your code shorter, sometimes at the price of decreased readability:

  • Use empty()

    $content = (!empty($content)) ? (string) $content[0] : false;
  • Echo the node directly: (it automatically gets cast as a string)

    echo (!empty($content)) ? $content[0] : '';
  • Use array_shift() to get the first element of an array. (attention, it does modify the array. If it was the last element, you could use end() instead)

    echo array_shift($propXml->xpath('//content/section[@name="accommodations"]/content'));
Josh Davis
this is better than my isset($content[0]) variant. Haven't thought of empty...