If I have a stored proc in SQL Server 2008, I know I can run it from management studio like so:
exec rpt_myproc @include_all = 1, @start_date = '1/1/2010'
But I'm using an ad-hoc query tool that wasn't returning any results. So I asked it to give me the SQL it was running and it returns this:
[dbo].[rpt_myproc].[company_name] AS 'company name',
[dbo].[rpt_myproc].[order_number] AS 'order number]
FROM [dbo].[rpt_myproc]
([dbo].[rpt_myproc].[PARAM_start_date] IN ('1/1/2010'))
AND ([dbo].[rpt_myproc].[PARAM_include_all] IN ('1'))
I'm not familiar with that syntax. Is that even possible? The ad-hoc tool isn't failing, but it may be swallowing that error. Then again, maybe it's just giving me a shorthand which it will use translate to the proper syntax later. But if so, why would it give it to me in this form?
I can't seem to get that SQL to execute in Management Studio, so I was wondering if something like that were possible?