



Possible Duplicate:
Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

Hello, everyone.

For a long time now, for C/C++ development, I have been using Notepad++ and the command line for compiling C/C++ programs. Now, I want to start using an IDE, and I have tried out quite a few. Currently, I am thinking of either Eclipse CDT or Netbeans C++, but other suggestions are welcome too. The problem is that I cannot find any recent, unbiased comparisons of both of these softwares. So, I would like to hear opinions on which IDE is better. By "better", I mean in terms of code-completion, configurability, ease of use, speed, and especially debugging capabilities and debugging speed. I really need help on choosing a C/C++ IDE. Thanks!

EDIT: Because I develop on both Windows and Linux, I need an IDE that is compatible with both Windows and Linux, and by default uses GCC by default, so Visual Studio is not an option for me. Thanks!


I'd like to throw in my vote for Visual Studio.

Billy ONeal
That's not really going to work very well on Linux, though.
Timo Geusch
@Timo: The original question didn't say anything about Linux.
Billy ONeal
@Billy: Fair enough - by the time I saw the question it did mention Linux. Actually, I'd probably recommend Visual Studio as a decent Windows C++ IDE, too.
Timo Geusch
+1  A: 

I have used Eclipse for years, and it is a solid IDE with a wide range of capabilities. If you haven't tried it out to see how well it fits your needs, I would recommend giving it a shot.

That being said, I have recently started using NetBeans and I must say that I like it a bit better than Eclipse. It seems to be more streamlined than Eclipse (less memory usage, faster to start up, etc). I have not tested its built-in debugging capabilities however, so I can't say anything on that front.

Thankfully, there are a number of freely-available, quality IDEs out there. I would recommend installing a handful and trying to perform the same basic set of tasks in each (create a new project, add in your source code, build, run, debug, etc) and see how they feel. Pretty quickly, you should start to get a feeling about which ones meet your needs and which are lacking.

Thanks for your reply! I will try that.
+1  A: 

After your question edit:

I'd strongly recommend Code::Blocks:

Billy ONeal
Thanks, i'll look into Code::Blocks!