



i want a web application to create a service reference to my WCF service, insert information to the header of the soap call and call my WCF method.

i read about MessageContract attribute and declared one in the interface file:

public class BasicServiceHeader
    public string myString;

my WCf interface is:

public interface IBasicService

    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "GetData?value={value}")]     // Add support for HTTP GET Requests
    string GetData(int value);}

i don't want the BasicServiceHeader to be passed as a parameter of GetData function , i want to keep the function as it is and to extract the BasicServiceHeader inside the function, can i do that ?


Client side, you can pass a header prior invoking the operation:

MessageHeader messageHeader = MessageHeader.CreateHeader(_headerName, _headersNameSpace, _headerValue);

and extract it using FindHeader service side

vc 74
thank you, but i don't think my client has Framework 3.5. he works in the 'asmx way' , how can my client add a new header information to the soap method call in Framework 2.0?
Ah OK, does this help?
vc 74
Before i get inside Soapextensions which seems as a very complex subject, can you tell me if WCF supports the SoapHeader attribute?. i found a simple example of using SoapHeader: , but i can't get it to work.
I don't think so but it supports the method I wrote earlier (using the OutgoingMessageHeaders property)
vc 74