I tring to stream shoutcast stream in my window phone 7 app
I start an async HttpWebRequest like this
//Init Request
HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://ACommonoShoutCastUrl:8000");
myHttpWebRequest.Headers["Icy-MetaData"] = "1";
myHttpWebRequest.UserAgent = "WinampMPEG/5.09";
myHttpWebRequest.AllowReadStreamBuffering = true;
// Create an instance of the RequestState and assign the previous myHttpWebRequest object to its request field.
RequestState myRequestState = new RequestState();
myRequestState.request = myHttpWebRequest;
// Start the asynchronous request.
IAsyncResult result = (IAsyncResult)myHttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(RespCallBack), myRequestState);
The problem is that the CallBack->RespCallBack is never called...
This code worked for me normally in other environments but not on the phone...
I tired also to use WebClient that seems to stream data,
the problem in this case is that it never call the end OpenReadCompleted because of endelss shoutcast stream
Thanks for support
any help would be appreciated