The problem it's complaining about is that when you create an SSL connection, the server must present a valid certificate to the client. You can write an appropriate endpoint in Java (HTTPServerSocket will do it I think) but it would require some hacking about to set it up. It's probably easier to set up a local web server with anything that handles SSL correctly --- Apache, lighttp, whatever --- and create a self-signed cert using the openssl tools.
Here's an example from the Java Almanac.
An SSL server socket requires certificates that it will send to clients for authentication. The certificates must be contained in a keystore whose location must be explicitly specified (there is no default). Following the example we describe how to create and specify a keystore for the SSL server socket to use.
try {
int port = 443;
ServerSocketFactory ssocketFactory = SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault();
ServerSocket ssocket = ssocketFactory.createServerSocket(port);
// Listen for connections
Socket socket = ssocket.accept();
// Create streams to securely send and receive data to the client
InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
// Read from in and write to out...
// Close the socket
} catch(IOException e) {
Specify the keystore of certificates using the system property:
> java MyServer