



I want to be able to run a proper Axis2 web service by just executing mvn jetty:run. Ultimately I want to produce a single war that I can deploy somewhere.

I am just looking to use POJO web services but I'm curious to know what the full dependency tree looks like. Assuming everything else is correct, below are the axis2 specific dependencies I've got so far:


This compiles and starts the web app ok, but I seem to get an error when I try to axis http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/services/MyService?wsdl. Specifically it says:

Problem accessing /mywebapp/services/MyService. Reason:

Caused by: /axis2-web/listSingleService.jsp

So, what am I missing?

I'd rather not have to deploy any axis2.war file by the way. I just want a single deployable jar. Do I need the axis war to see the generated wsdls?