+2  A: 

There is no CIFilter in iPhone OS. There is CAFilter but it is a private API so using it on AppStore apps means rejection. If you already know what images you will use, you could create the blurred image in the first place.

See How to implement a box or gaussian blur on iPhone on how to implement a Gaussian blur filter "legally".

See CAFilter — iPhone Development Wiki on how to apply a blur filter on a CALayer using the private CAFilter class.

As per your second answer(Wiki) , when i am trying to make an object of CAFilter [CAFilter *_filter ; ] it shows same error .
@new: You need to declare CAFilter yourself how it is a "private API™".
@Kenny Can you explain it, [declaring CAFilter].
@new: That means you need to add a `@interface CAFilter : NSObject @end` to the file you're going to use.
Thank you for your nice reply. Its its my first time to get a reply like this.
@Kenny Your Answer Worked . Thank you :D