I am currently using Shapefile class and ColdFusion to go through the "records" of each shapefile. Each record has a bounding box and i am able to get this information but havent found a way to actually retrieve the points inside each record.
Can someone shed some light on which classes to use and how to use them?
This is the exact same situation(including some verbage) as:
Allthough I am using ColdFusion, I do believe that any hints to the solution would help me greatly.
My current test code is as follows:
<cfset shapeFile = createObject("java","com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile")>
<cfset shapeFile.init('/www/_Dev/tl_2009_25_place.shp')>
getFileLength = #shapeFile.getFileLength()#<br>
getFileVersion = #shapeFile.getFileVersion()#<br>
getShapeType = #shapeFile.getShapeType()#<br>
toString = #shapeFile.toString()#<br>
<cfdump var="#shapeFile#">
<cfdump var="#shapeFile.getBoundingBox()#"> <br>
<cfdump var="#shapeFile.getNextRecord()#">