



Each parameter in a URL can have multiple values. How can I separate them? Here's an example:,phones

So I want to search for 2 different things: cars and phones (this is just a contrived example). The problem is the separator, a comma. A user could enter a comma in the search form as part of their query and then this would get screwed up. I could have 2 separate URL parameters:

There's no real problem there, in fact I think this is how URLs were designed to handle this situation. But I can't use it in my particular situation. Requires a separate long post to say why... I need to simply separate the values.

My question is basically, is there a URL encodable character or value that can't possibly be entered in a form (textarea or input) which I can use as a separator? Like a null character? Or a non-visible character?

UPDATE: thank you all for your very quick responses. I should've listed the same parameter name example too, but order matters in my case so that wasn't an option either. We solved this by using a %00 URL encoded character (UTF-8 \u0000) as a value separator.

+4  A: 

The standard approach to this is to use the same key name twice.

Most form libraries will allow you to access it as an array automatically. (If you are using PHP (and making use of $_POST/GET and not reinventing the wheel) you will need to change the name to queries[].)

David Dorward
I mentioned in my update that you're correct this was an option too, but in my case I really need to just separate values within a parameter value. Order matters and parameters with the same name will have different separated values (sometimes with just a different order)
+1  A: 

Come up with your own separator that is unlikely to get entered in a query. Two underscores '__' for example.

That's essentially what I was asking for, but I wanted something that would be impossible to get entered into a standard html form element.

easiest thing to do would be to use a custom separator like [!!ValSep!!].

Vinay B R

You can give them each the same parameter name.

The average server side HTTP API is able to obtain them as an array. As per your question history, you're using JSP/Servlet, so you can use HttpServletRequest#getParameterValues() for this.

String[] queries = request.getParameterValues("query");
Yes, this doesn't work for me either because order matters, I explained in another reply in slightly more detail. I'm happy to see you remember my other questions though! Thank you for all your help! I did find a good solution, I think, to this issue (question updated).
+1  A: 

Why not just do something like "||"? Anyone who types that into a search area probably fell asleep on their keyboard :} Then just explode it on the backend.

maybe you're right :). But this is for a standard widget mechanism that will be used in a thousand different situations.
Ahhh, ok that changes things. Sorry about that.
+1  A: 

Just URL-encode the user input so that their commas become %2C.

Mark Cidade