I've got an app using CoreData as a data storage mechanism and the app needs some initial data to be configured. Are there any recommendations / what/how are you doing in order to set up the initial data?
Currently I am doing it in the following way (when the app starts for the 1st time):
SomeEntity *newEntity=[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"SomeEntity" inManagedObjectContext:context];
[newEntity setCode:@"a-code"];
[newEntity setName:@"a-name"];
[context save:nil];
I do not like this approach for 2 reasons:
1) it's so boring and error-prone if you need more than 10 entity instances for more than one entity type
2) it may take up some time for the initial start-up
In previous apps using SQLite I just linked my initial SQLite database into the app and, if needed to modify any data, moved the database to the Documents directory. Is there any similar approach for CoreData?