I have created a localized MVC website using the code found on this blog by Alex Adamyan.
This is working great if I use an existing culture. However, I am trying to localize for Tagalog (tl or tl-PH). Windows does not have this culture built in so I have created one (I have tried both tl and tl-PH) as per the code below:
public static void CreateCustomCultures()
var cultureBuilder = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(
"tl", CultureAndRegionModifiers.Neutral);
cultureBuilder.LoadDataFromCultureInfo(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
cultureBuilder.LoadDataFromRegionInfo(new RegionInfo("US"));
cultureBuilder.IsMetric = true;
cultureBuilder.CultureEnglishName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder.CultureNativeName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder.RegionEnglishName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder.RegionNativeName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder.TwoLetterISOLanguageName = "tl";
cultureBuilder.ThreeLetterISORegionName = "PH";
var cultureBuilder2 = new CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder(
"tl-PH", CultureAndRegionModifiers.None);
cultureBuilder2.LoadDataFromCultureInfo(new CultureInfo("en-US"));
cultureBuilder2.LoadDataFromRegionInfo(new RegionInfo("US"));
cultureBuilder2.IsMetric = true;
cultureBuilder2.CultureEnglishName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder2.CultureNativeName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder2.RegionEnglishName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder2.RegionNativeName = "Tagalog";
cultureBuilder2.TwoLetterISOLanguageName = "tl";
cultureBuilder2.ThreeLetterISORegionName = "PH";
I also have four resource files on my test site located in ~/Views/Home/Resources:
- Home.aspx.resx;
- Home.aspx.tl.resx
- Home.aspx.tl-PH.resx
- Home.aspx.de.resx
When I build, I get three appropriately named directories under my bin directory, each with a an appropriately named dll.
So when I go to my website home page http://localhost:1907 I get the default (english) language strings.
When I go to the german (de) home page http://localhost:1907/de I get the german version of the site.
When I go to the tagalog versions http://localhost:1907/tl or http://localhost:1907/tl-PH, I get the english version instead of the Tagalog version.
I have placed breakpoints in the resource fetching code and have confirmed that the current thread's culture and UI culture are correctly set to the Tagalog culture and that Tagalog is the culture being passed to resourceManager.GetString(key, culture).
Any thoughts? Did I not create my cultures correctly?