
ASP.Net and GetType()

I want to get a type of a "BasePage" object that I am creating. Every Page object is based off BasePage. For instance, I have a Login.aspx and in my code-behind and a class that has a method Display: Display(BasePage page) { ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(page.GetType()); } In my project structure I have a default r...

Problem with pulling out icons from resource bundle in Flex

Hi everybody, I'm having trouble with getting icons from resource bundle in Flex. Here's the scenario: Directory structure looks like this: -ResourceManagerTest -resources -icons -icon1.png -icon2.png -src -ResourceManagerTest.mxml In I have: CIRCL...

Oracle Resource Manager Plan Design

I am new to the Oracle 10g Resource Manager and am looking for guidance on how to put together a plan to meet my goals. I will test the plan, but I'm hoping for some guidance so I don't have to try hundreds of different plan configurations. I have the following goals: Don't let non-sys sessions significantly slow down sys sessions. D...

.NET Custom CultureInfo localization

I spend hours and hours tried to figure this out why my ResourceManager won't pickup my Resource file? Background: I create a custom CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder with code "km-KH" it registered without any problem. Add resource files Messages.resx; & with key hello of value "Hello", "Soursdey" & ...

HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject always returns null.

Hi folks! I created two files in the App_GlobalResources folder: SiteResources.en-US.resx SiteResources.sp-SP.resx Both contain a value for "SiteTitleSeparator". Here is what I am trying to do (The following line always returns null): string sep = (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("SiteResources", "SiteTitle"); Note, that the Cultu...

Localization of a Form using ResourceManager

I am currently working on localizing a Form. However I am somewhat confused as to how one correctly does this. I thought it would be possible to export control properties to a resource file automatically, but it seems this is a manual task. My current approach is to add all the Control Properties which are of type String and are writab...

ResourceManager trying to load .resources not .resx file

I am trying to load a resx file in my .net website using: ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager( "Project.Resource", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() ); The Resource.resx file is in the folder App_LocalResources and is set to be embedded in assembly on build. When I try to access the resx file using: rm.GetString( "key" ); or rm.G...

Why does ResourceManager.GetResourceSet return null on the first request after a build? (C#)

I'm working on a large-ish web application built in C# ( I've got a simple aspx page that serves localized strings to the client browser for use in javascript controls. To get the strings, I do the following: ResourceManager _resources = new ResourceManager(_pathname, typeof(ARM).Assembly); ResourceSet rs = _resources.GetReso...

Extend C# file based resource manager

I want to store my resources in a different file format than NET's .resources (in particular, .po), so I wrote a custom resource set with a custom resource reader to retrieve them. I created a ResourceManager using the CreateFileBasedResourceManager static method which creates a new instance of the manager that retrieves resource sets f...

C# - Get number of references to object.

I'm trying to write a simple Resource Manager for the little hobby game I'm writing. One of the tasks that this resource manager needs to do is unloading unused resources. I can think of doing this in two ways: When an object no longer requires a reference to the resource, it must call a method of the Resource Manager to signify it is ...

ResourceManager's CreateFileBasedResourceManager method is not working

I am currently usign resourcemanager's constructor to read the entries from my resource files. When I try to use CreateFileBasedResourceManager method it is throwing the below error Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neutral culture) on disk. baseName: Resource1 locationInfo: fileName: Resource1...

Read values from satellite assemblies using ResourceManager

Hi Can somebody tell me how to read values from satellite assemblies using resourcemanager. I have an application MyApplication which will contain all the resource files. Now I have to read the values of these resources in my another application (ABC app). Can somebody tell me how can i do it. ...

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

I have two ASP.NET Web projects (ProjectA and ProjectB). When class in ProjectA is instantiating a class of ProjectB which uses a resource file Blah.resx, I get this error: An exception of type 'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code. Could not find any res...

Flex: Wrapper for ResourceManager.getInstance().getString is not notified of localeChain updates

I have written a utility library that contains some of my most used functions. There I have a wrapper for ResourceManager.getString to simplify using the resource manager in non-UI classes: package { import mx.resources.ResourceManager; /** * Convenience function to return a localized string * */ [Bindable("change...

How to retrieve path for a file embedded in Resources (Resource Manager)

I am trying to retrieve file path for a html file that is embedded in resource (resx file) in VS2008 C# project. I want to give path of this file to native webbrowser control (PIEHtml) to be able to navigate (DTM_NAVIGATE) in my application. I know I can pass the string to this control using DTM_ADDTEXTW but since html text size is so bi...

How to create resource manager in ASP.NET

Hello, I would like to create resource manager on my page and use some data stored in my resource files. (default.aspx.resx and default.aspx.en.resx) The code looks like this: System.Resources.ResourceManager myResourceManager = System.Resources.ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager("resource", Server.MapPath("...

Is there a way to determine the culture info that a ComponentResourceManager is using when it gets instantiated in the designer?

I'm explicitly setting the CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture to french right before the Component Resource Manager is being called for my user-control, but the default values are being pulled for the controls, not the french values. Any ideas? ...

Dynamically loading a resource and reading the correct value for the CurrentUICulture

I'm creating a method to convert an enum to a friendly string. The friendly names are stored in a resource file and are subject to globalization. So I created two resource file: Enums.resx and whose keys are the name of the enum followed ny it's value (i.e DeliveryStatus_WaitingForPayment). This is the got I'm using to ...

ResourceManager not picking up correct resx file

I am having an issue getting the correct resource file entries and need some help ... here is my scenario I have a series of projects that are a part of a large reporting solution that follow this format Plugin.**Report Reference (folder) DataAccessLayer (folder) DataSets (folder) DataWrappers (folder) Localization (folder) ...

Localization using multiple resx files

My web application is handling localization via resource file placed in a satellite assembly using ResourceManager. Since the application is growing I would like to split resx file into multiple files (for each language), but on the client side, seems that I have to create a ResourceManager instance for each file that I want to read from...