
What is a satellite assembly?

What is a satellite assembly, and when should they be used? ...

C# Satellite Assemblies? Do I need to link default culture resource

We would like to employ satellite assemblies to contain various locale dependent resource files. Question is ... do we need to link the default culture? We have a separate project which will contain all of our different culture resource files. As is shown below, we have the project with two resource files inside of it. ProjRES Reso...

Resgen al.exe generated resources do not work within .net library

Hi, I am currently working on a library in .Net and I planned to make the strings that are used within the library into culture specific resource files. I made Resources.resx, Resources.en-US.resx and Resources.ja-JP.resx file. I also deleted the Resources.designer.cs file autogenerated by visual studio 2008. I am loading Resources th...

Resource files and satellite assemblies

I am, for lack of a better word, a newbie to Localization and resource files. I am trying to localize an application I am working on and I want to do it using resource files and satellite assemblies, but I can't figure out how to do it correctly. Here is what I have so far: In my project directory: I created the files LanguageText.resx ...

Must Satellite Assembly versions match the base version?

I just ran into a situation where I needed to patch a release with a new version of one of our assemblies. All my assemblies are strong names and this is a Windows Forms application. I edited my App.config to do the appropriate re-mappings and all went fine until we tested our software with our localized version. The problem we saw is...

Is it possible to view the contents of a satellite assembly?

I have what I think are some satellite assemblies in an application produced by a company that no-longer exists. I'd like to confirm that they are what I think (the naming is correct but...) and see what is inside them. ...

What is the difference between a resource file and a satellite DLL?

I am not getting the difference between resource files and satellite dll. ...

How to get values from different resource files,instead of using a Case or If/Else Condition (

Different resource files meaning i have different resource files having with no culture,they are not english,french,german files. I get an exception when i try to do: Dim res As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New System.Resources.ResourceManager("Resources.myres", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Nothing) res.get...

How to embed a satellite assembly into the EXE file

I got the problem that I need to distribute a C# project as a single EXE file which is not an installer but the real program. It also needs to include a translation which currently resides in a subdirectory. Is it possible to embed it directly into the binary? ...

ILMerge and localized resource assemblies

We have an application whose structure when compiled looks something like this: Foo nb-NO Text.resources.dll sv-SE Text.resources.dll Bar.dll Foo.exe Text.dll Is it possible to use ILMerge on this? How would you do that? ...

Add satellite assembly in a pre-compiled deployed website

In order to make use of GetGlobalResourceObject() in Visual Studio 2008 I have to copy a .resx file into the folder App_GlobalResources of Visual Studio. After the application is precompiled, the resource files are being compiled into the corresponding satellite assemblies and deployed under the \bin\ folder by culture names. This all wo...

Read values from satellite assemblies using ResourceManager

Hi Can somebody tell me how to read values from satellite assemblies using resourcemanager. I have an application MyApplication which will contain all the resource files. Now I have to read the values of these resources in my another application (ABC app). Can somebody tell me how can i do it. ...

How to add satellite assemblies to a project in Visual Studio.

Hello, I'm working in a project which references assemblies from a third company. These assemblies have satellite assemblies that I'm copying with a post-build event to the bin folder. Is There a way to include those third party satellite assemblies into the project so I have not to care with the post-build events and maintaining the f...

Where to place NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for an ASP.NET MVC app?

Simple question: Where should I place [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US" , UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)] for an ASP.NET MVC application? On the HttpApplication class in Global.asax.cs? ...

How do I include Satellite Assemblies(Localized Resources) in an MSI built with WiX?

Hello, The project I'm working on is switching from using the VS2008 deployment/installer to WiX, which i'm currently very new to. I've added the code to copy the output of the resources project into the Resources.dll, but in the old VS2008 installer file system there is also the localized resources output which currently produces two f...

Loading WPF satellite resources dynamically

Hello! I've read about satellite-assemblies being used in WPF localizations. However, I would like to ask if there is a way to load the satellite-assemblies without following the pre-defined directory structure that depends on the language (ex. If the system language is English, the WPF application looks for the satellite-assembly insid...

Include all localized resources in MSI - VS2008

I am building an MSI for a windows service application that has a set of satellite assemblies with localized resource data in them. I can manually include the Localized content from the projects but since my application contains several projects with localized data, do i need to manually include them in the VS2008 msi file system view o...

Override a resource from standard assembly in ASP.NET

I want to override a string from a System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations for an ASP.NET project. Do I need to make a satellite assembly, messing with custom build tasks, al.exe etc.? Even if yes, I couldn't find how to convert .resx to .resources to feed it to al.exe. And if no, where to put the .resx. and how to name it? UPD: To make i...

Satellite assemblies and FullTrust issues when .NET exe is on the network.

I'm executing my .NET app from a network share. Since framework 3.5 SP1, and as explained here:, the main exe and all the DLLs located in the same folder (but not subfolders) are granted with FullTrust security policy. My problem is that I have subfold...

How can I use satellite assemblies in ASP.NET?

I love the idea of breaking out culture-specific resources into separate assemblies, but am confused as to how this can be done for an ASP.NET application. Can someone give me a quick rundown, or perhaps point to a tutorial on the subject? ...