Short answer: that file in /usr/local/bin is either the real binary or a soft link to the real binary. If you run ls -l /usr/local/bin
any links will be displayed with an arrow to their target location. But pszilard is probably right, that file might be the actual binary, which was dynamically linked to library code.
Long answer: If you compiled from source, then you ran the following three commands
make install
The first one creates a configuration file called config.mak
. Near the top of that file, you'll see a lines similar to the following:
DESTDIR is optional; it's irrelevant unless you ran make install
with an additional argument. BINDIR is the actual install location. On my system (snow leopard) that was /usr/local/bin/
If you're still having trouble, just don't install the build. If you run
make clean
The binary will be in your build folder.
Don't use MacPorts or Fink. You'll be happier in the long run if you compile from source yourself. If you insist on using a package manager, try Homebrew