




i want to develop some game and i am at a beginner level.

so when i searched it on Google a long list of various game engines (like Delta 3D,Panda 3D)

comes and when i looked at wikipedia it also showed a very large list so i am

confused that from where i start.

So suggest me a good game engine and some good tutorial or a good ebook.

i am experienced in C++,QT4,Java and Python(at very initial level).

if the game engine supports Linux platform then i will be very happy.


+1  A: 

For Linux you can look at the Cube which you can download from here.

Since you are a beginner, I suggest you look at linear algebra. A very good source for this is the Khan Academy. That you will be in a much better position to evaluate the needs you have for a game-engine.

+2  A: 

You should check out OGRE3D. It's totally cross-platform and it's a commercial quality game engine- for example, the indie game Torchlight uses OGRE3D and it was a huge success.

Actually OGRE is just a 3D graphics engine.
I know. In comparison to the rest of the systems, it's by far the most important/hardest component.
+1  A: 




pygame (though not really a game engine)

Helper Method

Most all of the code for Quake engine, but not the content, has been made public. So you can play around with that engine to see if it's up to you specifications (the Quake 1, Quake 2, and Quake 3 engines have all been released). Quake 1, 2, and 3 all support the Linux platform.

Also, while the Source Engine isn't open source, a great deal of the source code is available through the Source SDK. It's very easy to modify and you should definitely consider working with it. However, Source is Windows and Mac only.

This resource deals with the Quake 3 engine and is a bit outdated, but I'm sure it'll suit you just fine.

Rafe Kettler

You may wish to qualify your question with what sort of game you're trying to build. Not all game engines are created equal for this :)

So, just for brevity's sake, if you are after building a 2D game, the Gluon game creation and distribution framework ( ) may well be the sort of thing you're looking for. Also because it's built using Qt, with which you mention you are already familiar.

+1  A: 

Asuming you are looking at 3D, I'd personally recommend jMonkeyEngine.

It's well designed, open source, has great performance, very easy to use (for a 3D engine...) and under active development.

Whatever you choose then good luck - just be aware that you have a long journey ahead if you want to actually successfully develop a 3D game :-)
