I'm having a little circular-dependency problem. It works fine, but it makes for ugly-seeming code. It's in the context of a Snake game.
I have a class, Snake, which contains a vector of SnakeSegments, and manages their interaction (for instance moving and growing as a unit, rather than as separate entities).
When a SnakeSegment collides with a Food object, it flips its hasEaten member to true. The Snake routinely queries the SnakeSegments, essentially for this member. If any of the queries return positive (i.e. one has hit food), then the Snake will grow as a unit (i.e. expand the head and shrink the tail). This is all fine and good, but I'd much prefer a more signal-based approach, where, when a SnakeSegment hits food, it sends an alert (signal, interrupt, etc.) to the Snake class, which tells it to grow. This means I wouldn't have ugly code in my Snake's Update function, checking all the segments; and I would instead have an OnEat() function in my Snake class.
However, this leads to circular dependencies; the Snake contains a vector of SnakeSegments, and the SnakeSegments have a Snake& or Snake* member, which tells them whom to alert when they eat. In the code, I essentially just have to pre-declare the Snake class:
class Snake;
class SnakeSegment
Snake* alertOnEat;
and my Snake class just works normally
#include "SnakeSegment.hpp"
class Snake
std::vector segments;
void OnEat();
Are there any nicer designs to this? Note that it isn't just a problem occuring here; a similar problem occurs in a number of areas (e.g. the GameWorld contains a Snake member, and the Snake alerts the GameWorld when it dies), so a solution specific to Snake and SnakeSegment isn't what I'm looking for.
Thank you!