i have a problem in jw player. i set my player height = 225 width = 400. It is exact 16:9 ratio. If i play any 400x225 resolution video or exact 16:9 ratio video. i get vertical bars at both sides of the player about 5mm each. For ref image is given below. how to overcome this problem. Thanks in advance.
you should add around "20px" to the player height , because the player controller (play , pause , timer, ...) will be included with the 225px height ,
so increase the height of the player to 245px
2010-09-20 12:28:08
2010-09-21 11:27:42
thats the point , I think that you should add 25px to the height of the player . try doing that.
2010-09-21 11:47:05
I have that solution already. Instead of that i adjusted the video resolution about 25px to fit in the player. The player works for commercial here. so i could not change player height or width. Its already in 16:9 ratio. The proper 16:9 video should fit in proper 16:9 player without vertical bars.
2010-09-22 05:39:59
player height and width is unfortunately not equal to video resolution. The video resolution is determined by jw player by reading the video metadata. If the size is not specified there, it defaults to 4:3 aspect ratio, and adds the black bars your seeing. I don't believe adjusting the video player size, as suggested above, will not work to display the video correctly - it just adjusts the frame size. I wish I had an answer for this outside of embedding the size data into the video, but unfortunately do not.
2010-09-30 00:05:27