



I have a bunch of apps that play video with an overlay. I built it originally in iOS 3.0, and used the undocumented but functional -[MPMovieController pause] on my own set of controls.

Now that iOS4 came along (and having tried to submit a new app with the same code), I've been rejected and I've got to update all my old ones. The frustrating bit is that 4.0 has the very same pause method as above, but it doesn't recognise it if compiled pre-3.1.3.

Multi-part question:

a) Is there a way to get it to pause that will work all the way back to 3.0?

b) Is there a way to say "if (os < 3.1.3) use functioning old code, else use new code?

c) I've seen [MPMoviePlayerControllerOld] in the debugger. Building on part b, can I access that directly? This is for things like notifications:

-[MPMoviePlayerController setControlStyle:MPMovieControlStyleNone]


-[MPMoviePlayerControllerOld setMovieControlMode:MPMovieControlModeHidden] ...I've tried and failed with this, but I'm not exactly the cleverest.

Basically I'm looking to find out if I can keep the pause button across the board, or if I have to make the decision to either nix the pause or build the next version for 4.0+ only. Any help is appreciated.
