I have a classic two-listbox form construct (Move a row from this box to that box...) I want the box to the left to contain all rows that are NOT in the box on the right.
The underlying data is in a many-to-many relationship. PartNbr -- XREF -- Source, where a part may have 0 or more sources...so I have three tables, Item Master, XREF, and Source (aka "TP") table. The box on the right selects all partnbrs from the Item Master that have records in the XREF table, and shows them in the box on the right.
The box on the left should show all other parts in the TP (Third Party)item master (Sourcable parts) that are NOTin the box on the right. Since it's a many-to-many relationship, I've used the SELECT DISTINCT construct. Herewith the rowsources for the two boxes:
Left ("From") box:
tblTPitemMaster.TPItemNbr, tblTPitemMaster.TPItemDescription,
tblTPitemMaster.TPItemUnitCost, tblXrefItemTPItem.TPXRCPASItemID
FROM tblTPitemMaster
LEFT JOIN tblXrefItemTPItem
ON tblTPitemMaster.TPItemID = tblXrefItemTPItem.TPXRTPItemID
WHERE ((TPItemVendorID=590) AND (TPXRCPASItemID <> 10546))
ORDER BY tblTPitemMaster.TPItemVendorID
Right ("To") Box:
SELECT tblXrefItemTPItem.TPXRPreferredVendor AS Rank,
tblVendor.[Vendor Name], tblTPitemMaster.TPItemNbr,
tblTPitemMaster.TPItemDescription, tblTPitemMaster.TPItemUnitCost,
FROM tblVendor INNER JOIN (tblTPitemMaster
INNER JOIN tblXrefItemTPItem
ON tblTPitemMaster.TPItemID = tblXrefItemTPItem.TPXRTPItemID)
ON tblVendor.ID = tblTPitemMaster.TPItemVendorID
ORDER BY tblXrefItemTPItem.TPXRPreferredVendor
Problem is, I get every TPItem master record in the left box. Must be something simple. Ideas?