



I've got a pretty basic question about how to start using Castle Windsor. I've read up on IOC/DI and would like to try Castle Windsor in an existing solution. I typically like to put any external assemblies in a Lib folder within the solution's folder tree so that the references are relative (I believe this is best practice).

Which assemblies from the Castle\Bin... folder do I need to copy to my Lib folder? And do I need to add an explicit reference to each assembly or only some of them?

There are 30 assemblies in the C:\dev\oss\Castle\Bin\net-2.0 folder and 18 assemblies in the C:\dev\oss\Castle\Bin\Dependencies folder.

+5  A: 

I reckon this should be enough to get you started.

  • Castle.Core
  • Castle.MicroKernel
  • Castle.Windsor

and if you want to use log4net for logging then....

  • log4net
  • Castle.Facilities.Logging
  • Castle.Services.Logging.Log4netIntegration
+2  A: 

Only Castle.Core, Castle.MicroKernel and Castle.Windsor are required to be able to use Windsor.
