




I was wondering whether the following setup would work for a small game:

Lets assume I have the following functions registered to Lua like so:

lua_register(L, "createTimer", createTimer);
lua_register(L, "getCondition", getCondition);
lua_register(L, "setAction", setAction);

Where: (leaving the type checking behind)

int createTimer(lua_State* L){
    string condition = lua_tostring(L, 1);
    string action = lua_tostring(L, 2);
    double timer = lua_tonumber(L, 3);
    double expiration = lua_tonumber(L, 4);

    addTimer(condition, action, timer, expiration); // adds the "timer" to a vector or something
 return 1;

Calling this function in lua by:

createTimer("getCondition=<5", "setAction(7,4,6)", 5, 20);

Can I then do the following(?):

// this function is called in the game-loop to loop through all timers in the vector
void checkTimers(){
    for(std::vector<T>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
        if(luaL_doString(L, *it->condition)){
            luaL_doString(L, *it->action)

Would this work? Would luaL_doString pass "getCondition=<5" to the lua state engine, where it will call the c++ function getCondition(), then see if it is =<5 and return true or false? And would the same go for luaL_doString(L, "setAction(7, 4, 6)"); ?

Moreover, would this be a suitable way to create timers by only accessing lua once (to create them) and let c++ handle the rest, only calling the c++ functions through lua and letting lua deal with logic only?

Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

You may want to change the condition string to "return getCondition()<=5" otherwise the string chunk will not compile or run. Then check the boolean return value on the stack when the luaL_doString() returns successfully. Something like this:

// this function is called in the game-loop to loop through all timers in the vector
void checkTimers(){
    for(std::vector<T>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
        lua_settop(L, 0);
        if(luaL_doString(L, *it->condition) == 0 && lua_toboolean(1)){
            luaL_doString(L, *it->action);
Ok, but would this setup work well globally speaking or would there be a better/faster way to let lua create timers in c++ or would this setup be good? Secondly, does *it->condition actually work for a vector as (if I'm not mistaking only *it->first *it->second would work? And if this is indeed so, what would be the best structure to store the data with the <string, string, double, double>? My initial reaction is to create a struct and simply fill a vector with these structs but this just feels wrong :S

You cannot interrupt Lua while it is running. The best you can do is to set a flag and then handle the interruption at a safe time. The standalone interpreter uses this technique to handle user interrupts (control-C). This technique is also used in my lalarm library, which can be used to implement timer callbacks, though not at the high level you want.

Answer to an other question? Don't think I insinuated anywhere that I wanted to interrupt Lua, thanks anyway though :)
I assumed so from your use of timer.