



Hey so I'm trying to create the JavaScript, functions and HTML coding for the website I am working on.I have 8 small images on the left hand side. A default large image on the right. I want to make it so when I hover over each small image another different large image replaces the default large image on the right hand side with a description between the two.


small image1
small image2
small image3
small image4
small image5
small image6
small image7
small image8


                           *small image1 title*
                        *small image1 description*


                                                                *LARGE IMAGE*

Changes from default large image through 8 different large images (and descriptions, default image has no description) when you hover over small images. All is horizontal from each other.

Any help much appreciated. Thanks


You can put the middle and rightside in a div, say it has the id rightdiv, then you can the load the content of this div with ajax. Onhover you can perform a new ajax call which will populate the rightdiv with the new content retrieved from the ajaxcall.

Take a look at a javascript libary like jquery. There you can find predefined functions for ajax calls and hover etc.
