



Hello, I have a bunch of old .asp files to refactor, and the first thing I have to do is to replace a bulky <table> wich is repeated in every file (it's a menu) with a server side include.

the table has no id, but its container has it:

 <td id="leftColumn" >

manually going through the files and replacing the table is unfeasible, AND boring... How would you do this? I have VS2010, Notepad++, but I am open to every advice.

thanks in advance.


The .asp files are probably not well-formed XML, so XSL (my first thought) wouldn't work. I'd try to write a regex that matches the outside of your table and replaces it with other content. Regex is generlly frowned upon to parse xml, but in this case, I don't think you will have wellformed xml, so I think it's ok.

See Scott Hanselman's tools list under 'Regular Expressions' for a suitable editor in which you can test your esxpressions against the source files you need to refactor.

alas the regular expression syntax that works with .NET is quite different from the one that the find in files feature in Visual Studio uses. Yes, I could write a simple app that enumerates the files, opens them and replaces the text with a Regex that works, but I hoped that I could use (now and in the future) some feauture of my text editors.
notepad++ has regex find. and