I'm trying to annotate some text onto a base image with a dropshadow. I don't like the results I get from using the -shadow option, so I'm putting down the text, blurring it, then putting down the text again in white, a few pixels offset from the shadow. Here's the command I'm using:
convert base_image.jpg \
-font TT0590M_.ttf \
-fill gray30 \
-annotate +0+0 '' -gravity North \
-annotate +72+32 'ABCDEFGHIJKLM' \
-blur 0x4 \
-fill white \
-annotate +72+27 'ABCDEFGHIJKLM' \
My problem is that the -blur option is blurring not only the first layer of text, but the underlying base image as well. I only want the first layer of text to blur, not the base image.
I read up a little on using stacks and tried to isolate the first layer of text and the blur command using \( \)
around that part, such as in the following:
convert base_image.jpg \
-font TT0590M_.ttf \
-fill gray30 \
-annotate +0+0 '' -gravity North \
\( -annotate +72+32 'ABCDEFGHIJKLM' \
-blur 0x4 \) \
-fill white \
-annotate +72+27 'ABCDEFGHIJKLM' \
The results are the same - both the text shadow and the underlying base image are getting blured. I'm afraid I'm not having much luck understanding stacks or what other commands I should be using to get the effect I'm after.
Any help would be appreciated.