



Hi friends,

In my apps, i have one tableview with footer view. In footer view, i have created one button. On clicks the footer view button, the next 10 details are parsing and displayed in the table view. I have used one temporary view for displaying when clicks the next button in the footer view. The temporary view is displayed only, parsing methods are to be finished. Once parsing completed, i removed that view and displayed the contents in the table view. My problem is, i couldn't call the temporary view, when clicks the next button. I donno why that method is not called and doesn't display that view.

I have created table view and footer view by using Interface Builder only.

In footer view, button action,

      -(IBAction) nextTenDetails:(id) sender 
          tempView.alpha = 1;   //its not working.

        //tempview is created in Interface Builder, Whenever i want that view, i can set the alpha value to visible and invisble. But the view is not visible. 

          /* nextTempView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480)];

         [self.view addSubview:nextTempView];

            nextTempView.alpha = 1; */

            // I have created programmatically in that view, but it doesn't work.


How can i display the view? please see this image, First view is the table view, after clicks the next button, i want to display that view. Please mentioned what i have done wrong in my code?



Please help me out.