



Hi all,

I'm getting a memory warning: "Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller" for challengeCell at the marked line.

myIdentifier = @"ChallengTblVwCell";    
ChallengeTableViewCell *challengeCell = (ChallengeTableViewCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:myIdentifier];
if( challengeCell == nil )
    [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] loadNibNamed:@"ChallengeTableViewCell" owner:self options:nil ];
    challengeCell = challengeTblCell; 

else {
//some code
        challengeInstance = [genericArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
        NSString *challengeTitle = challengeInstance.elecompany;

        [challengeCell initWithTitle:challengeTitle subTitle:challengeSubtitle _votes:challengeVotes content:challengeContent _time:challengeTime _image:challengeImage noComments:challengeCommentsNo]; //Warning coming at this line
        return (UITableViewCell *)challengeCell;


 -(id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)_title content:(NSString *)_content fromName:(NSString *)_fromName _time:(NSString *)_time_ _image:(NSString *)_image_ noComments:(NSInteger)commentsNo
    //Labels are created through interface builder

[_lbltitle_ setText:_title];       
[_lbltime setText:_time_];
[lblcontent setText:_content];
[lblsubTitle setText:_fromName];
[lblnoOfComments setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",commentsNo]];

// code for adjusting label height according to content.

return self;

I made this separate class for management of cell to make its manipulation easy.

Can anybody please help me resolve this?

Thanx in advance.


It will be better if you post your code for initWithTitle for these 2 lines:

[challengeCell initWithTitle:challengeTitle subTitle:challengeSubtitle _votes:challengeVotes content:challengeContent _time:challengeTime _image:challengeImage noComments:challengeCommentsNo]; //Warning coming at this line
return (UITableViewCell *)challengeCell;

But what I guess is that you already have a challengeCell object, already alloc-ed and init-ed. Your code looks really strange to be honest. Usually, what people do will be [[UIChallengeCell alloc] initWithTitle...] not from the instance itself. I think this creates your problem.

What you should do is set the property yourself.

challengeCell.challengeTitle = challengeTitle;
challengeCell.subTitle = challengeSubtitle;
Thanx for replying. I have edited my question to include my init method, which I created in the respective cell's class so that I can keep the cell interface logic separate.
I think your method makes confusing. Why not name it `setTitle:subTitle:...` and return void. Then I think it will solve your problem
Yes, it did.. Thanx..