I seem to have some problems with my resource folder - Android chooses the wrong resource folder.
When in design mode, in the layout editor, I have the option to choose between different devices, to look at my design in different screen resolutions. I have specified three different devices, one for each resolution. The mdpi and hdpi shows the resources from the right folder, but when choosing my device with ldpi, it shows the resources from mdpi - which is wrong.
The settings for ldpi device is:
Small, Not Long, Portrait, Low Density, Finger, Soft, No Keys, Trackball, 320x240
When I run the program I get an InflateException , because it cannot find the right resources for my imageview in my layout: android:src="@drawable/psbgtop"
This is my res folder:
- res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png
- res/drawable-hdpi/psbgbottom.png
- res/drawable-hdpi/psbgtop.png
- res/drawable-ldpi/icon.png
- res/drawable-ldpi/psbgbottom.png
- res/drawable-ldpi/psbgtop.png
- res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png
- res/drawable-mdpi/psbgbottom.png
- res/drawable-mdpi/psbgtop.png
- res/layout/main.xml
- res/layout/settings.xml
- res/layout/settings2.xml
- res/layout/synchronize.xml
- res/values/strings.xml
- res/xml/preferences.xml
Can anyone figure out, why my folder structure seems to be wrong?
Best regards Frederik