




I have only one window and I tried

UIWindow* mWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];

but this returned nil.

I also tried:

UIWindow* mWindow = (UIWindow*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication].windows objectAtIndex:0];

But this raised an exception and the app closed, when I tried to print out

[[UIApplication sharedApplication].windows count]

It printed 0

Note: I am putting this in my only view controller's viewDidLoad method and this is completely a new iPad View Based Application so I changed nothing, just trying to get the window

Please help me to get this object


why do you want this object? UIWindow isn't meant to be used as a view or manipulated at all really. Its meant to be a 'container' for views and view controllers and etc. but if you set up a generic application, your app delegate has a ivar named window that is the UIWindow of the application.

Jesse Naugher
I'll tell you why I need it, it's because I inherited UIWindow to build my customized window and I want to get it here to pass some information to it
Aubada Taljo

If your main window is an outlet of your AppDelegate (which should be the case), you may simply use

MyAppDelegate* myDelegate = (((MyAppDelegate*) [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate));
[myDelegate.window ...]
Yes this worked nicely, thanks... :)
Aubada Taljo
+1  A: 

Your application's key window isn't set until [window makeKeyAndVisible] gets called in your app delegate. Your UIViewController is probably being loaded from a NIB before this call. This explains why keyWindow is returning nil.

Luckily, your view controller doesn't need to go through UIApplication to get the window. You can just do:

UIWindow *mWindow = self.view.window;
Thank you for your help but this didn't work in viewDidLoad..
Aubada Taljo