



I am developing an iOS application. I spend a lot of time in the simulator and it would be really helpful if I didn't have to switch back to Xcode to access the debuggers step in/out/over/continue controls. Is there a way to do this without Xcode being the application with focus?

(I know about the mini debugger, but that doesn't have step controls on it, and I'd prefer keyboard shortcuts.)

I thought it might be scriptable, but it didn't seem like there was a hook for it in the Xcode AppleScript dictionary. (I'm definitely not an AppleScript expert by any means, though.)

I don't think GUI scripting would get me what I want since it would switch to Xcode step and switch back. But it might be better than nothing if it was fast enough.

Is there a way to send a keyboard command to an application that's doesn't have focus?

Any other ideas?


To see Xcode's scripting support, launch Script Editor, find the Open Dictionary command, and select Xcode.

I did mention in the original post that I checked the dictionary and couldn't find anything about stepping through the debugger, but thanks anyways.

As others mentioned use UI scripting. So to step through code in the debugger you'd use this in Applescript:

tell application "XCode"
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "i" using {command down, shift down}
end tell

And this in Appscript:

app(u'System Events').keystroke(u'i', using=[k.command_down, k.shift_down])