




I have implemented MPMoviePlayer functionality to play in landscape mode in iOS4- by reading information on other posts - thanks stackoverflow!

Basically I have a list of videos in tabular view and from that I can navigate to each video.

Problem I am facing is the video does play in fullscreen (landscape) however the top title bar and bottom navigation bars continue to be visible above the movie. I have tried to hide the bottom tabbar

[self.navigationController setHidesBottomBarWhenPushed:YES];    
[self.navigationController pushViewController:MstvideoplayerView animated:YES];

as well as tried to bring the movie subview to front

[[mpMoviePlayerControllerObj view] setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 480, 320)];
[[self view] bringSubviewToFront:[mpMoviePlayerControllerObj view]];  
mpMoviePlayerControllerObj.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleFullscreen;

However the top title bar (from movie list view) and bottom navigation bar still remain - on top of the movie player window.

How do I hide/get rid of these 2?


I'm having the same problem. Can anyone help?
