



I can't find how to create PHP project with IntelliJ Idea 9. It only offers "Java module" and "Maven module" to choose when creating a project. PHP plugin is installed, but how to employ it?


It's a known limitation, IDEA doesn't support creating project without any module type like PhpStorm/WebStorm products since it supports many languages and technologies. But it also doesn't have a special module type for PHP or web projects yet.

At the moment you should use dummy Java module, you can omit creation of the src directory and all the other Java specific stuff, but you have to choose Java module type for your PHP/web projects.

This may change in the future IDEA versions as we plan to support opening PhpStorm/WebStorm projects in IDEA and vice versa.

Thanks. Looking forward, it'd be very good to have "one IDE to rule them all" instead of many IDEs based on same engine.