



So the boss asked for a spreadsheet that would show him all the computers in our enterprise and the users that are currently logged in.

I stopped asking "why?" and started with NBTSTAT. The <03> results were inconsistent. Then I tried NET CONFIG WORKSTATION, and finally PSLOGGEDON.EXE (SYSINTERNALS). These were good, but I'd have to find a way to pass the results of NET VIEW and format the output nicely for a csv.

But then I thought there must be a better way. 90% of our PCs are WinXP so I could use WMIC or maybe DSQuery. I'd rather isolate the command execution to the workstations in our AD Computers container and not touch our Servers.

Does anyone have any recommendations?


This seems to give me what I want:

FOR /F "skip=3 delims=\ " %%A IN ('net view') DO WMIC /Node:"%%A" ComputerSystem Get UserName /Format:csv 2>nul | MORE /E +2 >> computer_user_list.csv

Maybe someone else could use it.
