You should never call suspend on a tthread its not safe to do so and resume should only be used to start a thread that was created suspended.
In Delphi 2010 the suspend and resume where depreciated and the method start was introduced to reinforce this.
For a more complete explanation see this thread at Codegears forums.
having said that there are 2 ways I will terminate and free a tthread.
1: I Set FreeOnTerminate when the thread is created so I just call.
2: Free the thread explicitly, as I need to read a result from a public property before the thread is freed and after it has terminated.
//Do somthing like read a public property from thread object
if Thread <> nil then FreeAndNil(Thread);
In the main execute loop it may be a good idea to put some exception handling in.
Or you may be left wondering why the thread appears to terminate its self. This may be causing the AV if the thread is set to FreeOnTerminate and it has already been freed when you try to free it.
procedure TThread.Execute;
while not Terminated do
//do something
on E:Exception do
//handle the exception