



hey Guys:

I just got handed over a project from another group. EJB session bean / web service. It deployed without any issue on JavaCAPS 6.

However, on Oralce Glassfish V3 (3.0.1 Build 22), when I deployed the jar file (Applicaton / EJB Module), it kept complaining certain external libraries (which is included in the jar), can not be found.

Error in annotation processing: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/vfs/FileSystemException|#]

The Apache VFS jar is in the jar, but it can't find it.

However, if i move the jar and its dependencies into $Glassfish home/domains/domain1/lib

Everything is fine.

What are we doing wrong here?



The shared Lib dir is diferente for each Application Server. Só JavaCAPS 6 may looking for a jar in different places than Glassfish. How is your ears/jars structure? Can you post?

Plínio Pantaleão