I don't believe minor code changes are going to make a substantive difference. I'd surely use a StringBuffer however.
He's going to be reading a million rows over a wire, assuming his database is on a separate machine. First, if performance is unacceptable, I'd run that code on the database server and clip the network out of the equation. If it's the sort of code that gets run once a week as a batch job that may be ok.
Now, what are you going to do with the StringBuffer or String once it is fully loaded from the database? We're looking at a String that could be 50 Mbyte long.
This should be 1 iota faster since it removes the unneeded (i<5) check.
StringBuilder sr = new StringBuilder();
int columnCount =rsMetaData.getColumnCount();
while (rset1.next()) {
for (int j = 1; j < columnCount; j++) {
// I suspect the 'if (j<5)' really meant, "if we aren't on the last
// column then tack on a comma." So we always tack it on above and
// write the last column and a newline now.
Another answer is to change the select so it returns a comma-sep string. Then we read the single-column result and append it to the StringBuffer.
I forget the syntax now, but something like:
select column1 || "," || column2 || "," ... from table;
Now we don't need to loop and comma concatenation business.
StringBuilder sr = new StringBuilder();
while (rset1.next()) {