I'm trying to get my head around error handling in Haskell. I've found the article "8 ways to report errors in Haskell" but I'm confused as to why Maybe and Either behave differently.
For example:
import Control.Monad.Error
myDiv :: (Monad m) => Float -> Float -> m Float
myDiv x 0 = fail "My divison by zero"
myDiv x y = return (x / y)
testMyDiv1 :: Float -> Float -> String
testMyDiv1 x y =
case myDiv x y of
Left e -> e
Right r -> show r
testMyDiv2 :: Float -> Float -> String
testMyDiv2 x y =
case myDiv x y of
Nothing -> "An error"
Just r -> show r
Calling testMyDiv2 1 0
gives a result of "An error"
, but calling testMyDiv1 1 0
"*** Exception: My divison by zero
(Note the lack of closing quote, indicating this isn't a string but an exception).
What gives?