



I have one project where the code-signing popup is all whacked-out.

On a "normal" (i.e., every-other) project, the popup looks something like "Good menu" in this picture, but on one project, it looks like the "Not-good menu":

Code-sign menus, good and not-good

The "Not-good menu" is from the project about which I'm asking.

I tried quitting & relaunching XCode, but there's no change.

Any ideas what went wrong? Is there some sort of "un-whack my project" tool?


I suspect that the problem is related to the whack-project being not-worked-on for a long time and, hence, missed a "This project created by an older version of XCode" migration. Is there some sort of "update my project files" tool?


On a tip from another forum, I did this:

  • close project in XCode.
  • Open project.pbxproj (in your filename.xcodeproj package) in a text editor. (make a backup first!)
  • Remove all lines starting with "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "blahblah blah Developer";
  • save
  • Quit & relaunch XCode.
  • Reopen project in Xcode.
  • Reset the code signing identity you want

Well, there's good news & bad news.

Good news: It builds, and no code-signing errors. Yay.

Bad news: The popup still looks like the "not-good menu" in my screenshot.

More Bad News: the not-good menu is incomplete so, for example, I can select the client's ad-hoc, but not their app-store (we're sort of hoping to ship the product!)


You should be able to fix this by removing all certificates in the Organizer and resync with Apple afterwards (Refresh Button).

alt text

Henrik P. Hessel
The problem is project-specific. EVERY OTHER PROJECT (I have dozens) works fine; it's just this one. Wouldn't an organizer-fixable problem be across all projects?
(...and it didn't work. Deleted all, hit refresh, added client certs back in --> no change.)
Sorry to hear that, sometimes you can't get around starting a new clean project and add all your old files to it.
Henrik P. Hessel

Try this:

sed -i .bak "s/\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*].*/\"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]\" = \"iPhone Developer\";/g" project.pbxproj

Then open/clean/build/pray/makesacrifice

+1  A: 

I appreciate all your help, but none of the proposed solutions worked. I ended up creating a new project and re-building it.

I also duplicated the existing project, stripped out all the code and, as it had the same problem, attached it to the bug I sent to Apple. Hopefully, future XCodes will be better about this.

EDIT: Found the problem. It turns out I had inadvertently set the project's base SDK to simulator x.y, vice iOS x.y. Once I changed that, the codesign menu went back to as-expected.

